Independence Day Special

Ends July 3, Midnight Pacific


Say Goodbye to Tedious Manual Work and Automate Your Way with Excel VBA

Automate Your Excel Work!

- Got questions? Ask here -

Automate The Boring Stuff

This course helps you to learn Excel VBA and save hours of time even if you have zero prior experience with programming.

Welcome to the Launch Excel Macros and VBA School!

Are you tired of spending hours on tedious, manual tasks in Excel? Do you want to boost your productivity and take your skills to the next level? If you're nodding your head, then yes, you're in the right place.

I'm Victor Chan, the founder of Launch Excel and creator of the Launch Excel Macros & VBA School program. I know firsthand the frustration of inefficient and repetitive tasks in Excel. I used to struggle with these issues myself until I discovered the power of Excel VBA.

With the skills you will learn in this course, I automated my work and increased my efficiency. Plus I had a lot of fun using my creativity to design new programs. Now, I want to help you experience the same transformation!

Victor Chan

Founder, Launch Excel

Hear from Microsoft Excel MVP Mynda Treacy

Victor’s Excel VBA course will have you automating repetitive tasks and skyrocketing your productivity in no time. He makes VBA fun and easy to learn with comprehensive explanations and real-world practice projects that will give you the confidence to tackle any challenge.

Victor has tailored this course to focus on the skills that are going to give you the best results in the shortest amount of time based on his years of corporate experience.

VBA is a skill that employers will pay a premium for. Mastering it will reap you rewards for many years to come.

Having known Victor for more than 10 years, I know you are in good hands, and have every confidence in recommending his course.

Victor’s Excel VBA course will have you automating repetitive tasks and skyrocketing your productivity in no time. He makes VBA fun and easy to learn with comprehensive explanations and real-world practice projects that will give you the confidence to tackle any challenge.

Victor has tailored this course to focus on the skills that are going to give you the best results in the shortest amount of time based on his years of corporate experience.

VBA is a skill that employers will pay a premium for. Mastering it will reap you rewards for many years to come.

Having known Victor for more than 10 years, I know you are in good hands, and have every confidence in recommending his course.

Mynda Treacy

Microsoft MVP & Co-founder My Online Training Hub

Do You Hate Boring Work?

You find yourself doing the same tasks in Excel every day.

When your job is just updating and emailing the same old reports, or checking inventory lists.

It's the kind of work that has you staring at the clock, wishing for something better.

Imagine those long lists you have to go through to make sure everything adds up. Or those times you're correcting the same errors across many sheets.

It's not challenging. It's just repetitive.

I'ts not the kind of work that makes you feel proud. It’s the grunt work that's part of the job, but not the part you enjoy.

There's a Better Way

What if you could break free from this?

There is a tool for that. One that can help you step up your game.

It's called Excel VBA. It's a powerful part of Excel that can take on those repetitive tasks for you.

Learning Excel VBA is like learning how to delegate the boring parts of your job to your computer.

It's about making your workday more about the work you want to do, not the work you have to do.

Ready to transform your work life?

Excel VBA is your new best friend. Dive in and make those long workdays a thing of the past!

You'll be able to spend more time on things that are fun. Like finding powerful new Excel features.

You'll get the chance work on new dashboards. And feel excited when you see your colleagues love your new designs.

You'll have the time to do better data analysis and spot a critical trend everyone else missed.

And that's not all...

Make Your Resume Stand Out

While lots of people know how to use Excel, few know Excel VBA. It's like a secret trick that helps you do better in your work.

Excel VBA doesn't just make your work more enjoyable. It gets you into a position of higher value and opens doors to better careers and higher salaries.

Most resumes boast "Proficient in Excel." But only a select few can claim "Proficient in Excel VBA."

When you take my Excel Macros and VBA School, you'll be able to add Excel VBA to your resume. And you'll be able to prove it.

Excel VBA is a sought-after skill used in leading companies all over the world.

Here's a sample of places that use it:

  • Tech Giants: Amazon, Microsoft, Intel, PayPal, Tesla
  • Financial Powerhouses: JP Morgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, US Bank, Wells Fargo
  • Global Firms and Insurers: Deloitte, E&Y, PwC, KPMG, Cigna
  • Healthcare: Johnson & Johnson, CVS Health, United Health

In a world where standing out is key, Excel VBA is your ticket to the top of the candidate stack. It's not just about being different, it's about being better.

It's used across numerous industries too.

Agriculture, banking, biotech, construction, energy, finance, food, government, healthcare, hospitality, logistics, manufacturing, non-profits, retail, services, wholesale, and more!

It's everywhere. If you know where to look.

Your course was very rewarding

Hello Victor

May I say your course that I have just completed was very rewarding, especially to learn about Excel Tables and Arrays. I had not been exposed to these two elements before and I now have a basic understanding of these two elements in which I can utilize in data sheet manipulation at my work.

I work in a biotechnology environment and the department I work in utilize many Excel spreadsheets that are straight “flat” sheets without any VBA manipulation or utilization. I am on a self-learning crusade to make improvements to the under utilization of VBA. Your course has started this learning curve. Thank you.

May I respectfully request a certificate of completion, please. The certificate will be useful to my employer as prove of completion and for my resumé.

Thank you for your course.

Geoffrey Baker

Biotech Industry

But Don't Fall Into This Trap

Did You Know That 71.4% Of People Surveyed on Reddit Learned Excel VBA the Hard Way

A lot of folks try to learn VBA themselves. But they don't get far.

They go through years of pain and frustration.

Here's what goes wrong for them.

They struggle with code they don't understand. It seems like a secret lost language. They buy huge reference books as heavy as bricks. They spend hours on the internet looking for help in forums and blogs. And they end up with a big headache!

They don't know any other way to learn.

It's not their fault.

Sometimes they even make code that works. But it can also break. And they don't know how to fix it.

On a Reddit community, I found a survey about VBA. 723 people responded. And 71.4% of them said they were self-taught.

The best comment was from a Redditor called "Did_Gyre_and_Gimble". It sums up exactly what "self-taught" can mean.

Listen to a real story about learning Excel VBA the hard way

Learning [Excel VBA] wasn't too hard... I just recorded a macro and then slammed my head against the desk until I understood it. Then I slammed my head against the desk until I could edit the macro and Excel would do what I wanted.

Then found someone with better macro chops, and slammed my head against the desk until I understood their work. Then decided what I wanted to make and slammed my head against the desk until it worked.

Then deleted it and slammed my head against the desk until I'd done it better. Then deleted it and slammed my head against the desk until I'd done it right.

Found professionally developed macros and add-ins and stole their ideas. Slammed my head against the desk until it worked. Then repeated this process for ~20+ years.

Some details might be hazy... you know... because of all the head trauma.

Source: "Did_Gyre_And_Gimble" Reddit /VBA community

Do It The Smarter Way

What if you could learn Excel VBA without all the frustration?

Don't sit there pulling your hair out. Or slamming your head on the table because you're so upset.

That's the tough way to learn.

And it can take years to get where you want.

Not to mention that you'll pick up coding habits that aren't optimal. And your code could be a nightmare to maintain.

But if you're looking for a better way, don't worry.

Keep reading!

I've got just the thing you need. It's a way to learn Excel VBA that won't make you so stressed. And you'll wonder why you haven't come across it before...

Introducing... Launch Excel

Macros & VBA School


Launch Excel

Macros & VBA School

I put together the most effective training program on the market. It will teach you Excel VBA from the ground up.

It's the perfect bridge to take Excel users into the world of Macros and VBA coding. Taking years off your learning curve.

And it does it without hurting your head!

Don't struggle with the macro recorder. Don't put together random VBA code you find online. Don't question your sanity every time you try to change your code.

Build a strong foundation.

When you have the proper groundwork in place, writing macros becomes much easier. Controlling Excel gets much simpler.

When you understand the language of VBA, you can use code you find online. And adapt it to your needs. Without breaking a sweat.

That's what my course does for you.

You'll learn everything you need to know to become a pro, including how to:

  • Write versatile macros to automate repetitive tasks so you can get boring work done with greater satisfaction and speed
  • Use Excel's powerful built-in features to make your VBA more effective so you have greater control over what you can build
  • Build your own Excel applications to solve complex problems without waiting months for someone in IT to approve a solution

Picture this: Every week, you finish your work hours earlier than before.

How? Because now, you've got the power of automation on your side. All thanks to what you learn in Excel Macros and VBA School.

Instead of doing the same things over and over, you write a little bit of VBA code, and voila! Your computer does those tasks for you, just like magic.

But the benefits don't stop there.

You unlock the door to new and exciting projects. You can handle complicated data analysis. Create interactive reports. And build smart tools that help your whole team work better.

When you start showing off these cool Excel tricks at work, guess what? Your boss and co-workers are going to take notice.

You'll become the go-to Excel wizard. And that's a big deal.

Being this good with Excel can make you stand out. And when it's time for someone to get a promotion, your name will be at the top of the list.

You see, learning Excel VBA isn't just about working faster.

It's about working smarter, getting noticed, and growing in your career. It's a skill that opens doors to new challenges and chances to shine at your job.

Plus, in a world where data is king, being the one who can tame that data with Excel VBA? That's priceless.

My Own History with Excel VBA

Why should you trust me? I have a wealth of experience using Excel and VBA to automate workflows at top companies.

After I graduated from Cambridge University, I joined Deloitte. For three years I was an auditor in London, UK. I carried out many engagements and became an audit manager.

At Deloitte, I gained the ACA qualification. This is like becoming a CPA in the US.

I then became the Revenue Manager at CSR. It was the world's leading wireless bluetooth company. And Qualcomm bought CSR in 2015 for $2.2bn.

Next, I joined ARM. It is the world's leading semiconductor IP company. I worked as a Business Assurance Manager. Managed internal audits and SOX compliance. Softbank bought ARM in 2016 for $31.4bn. ARM then IPO'd in 2023 at a value of $54.5bn.

Through my career, I learned a lot about using Microsoft Office. Auditing complex spreadsheets. Creating reports. Making presentations. Meeting deadlines.

From my time in those companies, I built extensive skills. In financial analysis, reporting, and business analysis.

And I used Excel a lot.

I learned VBA to automate workflows and create applications.

It was a game-changer. It allowed me to transform repetitive tasks into a series of simple clicks. With higher accuracy and reliability. Helping to meet tight deadlines.

One of my standout creations was for reporting. It took data in Excel and generated perfectly formatted Word documents. It wasn't just about the data. It was also about the presentation. Professional and clear, it was great for board-level reporting.

Another favourite involved PowerPoint. With a little VBA magic, the team converted Excel charts into beautiful slides. It was a huge time saver. And it ensured consistency.

So I streamlined workflows with VBA.

But more than that, I took an interest in how to learn VBA from the ground up. I consumed tons of material. From books, on blogs, in forums.

I wanted to find the best way to understand VBA. So that any professional could learn it. Without all the headaches and dead-end searches.

And that brings us to the next step in my story.

In 2011, I started my blog and YouTube channel "Launch Excel". It's gained over 4.8 million views and 32.2k subscribers. I know how to teach Excel skills and make them work for you.

Read this comment from a YouTube fan.

Wow I’m really impressed of the power of Macros. When my teacher tried to explain this to me, it was all Chinese for me. Your explanation is super!! Thanks a lot!!

Yannickos Le Grand

YouTube Fan: Launch Excel

I will help you achieve Excel VBA mastery from the ground up.

So you can be an Excel VBA pro in no time.

My course includes hands-on exercises and real-world examples to help you apply your newfound skills, and I'm available to answer any questions and provide guidance throughout the course.

And with lifetime access to all of the course materials, you can learn at your own pace and revisit the content anytime you need a refresher.

I Made This Course To Be Different

There are many VBA courses on the market. Why should you take this one?

Some courses aren't well thought out for the learner. The teacher knows VBA inside out, but not in what order to teach it. So the course jumps around from one topic to another. Lessons don't build on each other. It's confusing!

And there are other courses that boast a lot more video content. But more hours of video don't mean more learning. I'm sure you've heard the saying "less is more".

The late Steve Jobs said, "Simple can be harder than complex. You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it's worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains."

There's no fluff in this course. I designed it to do two things well.

First, to give you a well thought out experience. So the lessons build on each other. Every bit begins to add up. Until you find yourself writing code all by yourself.

And second, to do it with efficiency. So you're not just clocking up hours. You're developing real practical skills in record time.

I never expected to write VBA code by myself

Dear Victor,

Good afternoon.

I like to share with you my feedback so far after completing the first 5 modules of the VBA course.

I'm astonished Victor by how much information is invested in this course. You can't believe - Now I understand the Excel object model, I understand objects and methods etc..

I'm able to declare variables, comment while writing code, I understand public/project scope variables, module scope and those that are private in a subroutine, I clearly understand the data types, and constants.

I'm beginning to feel a little by little more confident in my VBA skill by the day yet i haven't completed all the course. I can now easily understand some of the code I earlier downloaded through YouTube. Now its beginning to make sense to me.

I can now tell you confidently that I can use the For... Next loop, For Each... Next loop, select case and the if statements.

I have attached my excel which I have used for module 5 practice and written the code by myself through active recall without looking at the video.

They're just simple codes that i was using to help me reunderstand the if and for statements.

I never expected that one day I can write some VBA code by myself. But just after 5 modules I can't believe it.

I'm starting the final modules from module 6 this weekend, and I'm getting more excited like Matt in the course that i can finally use some VBA.

Thank you so much!!

Kenneth Nsubuga

Happy VBA School Student

You Don't Need A Background In Programming

You might think learning VBA is like learning rocket science. Hard! 🚀

But I'm going to show you that's not true.

Automating Excel with VBA is like driving on public roads. It's a difficult skill. You need to learn how to control the vehicle. You need to know the rules of the road. And you need to adapt to changing conditions.

But millions of people learn to drive every year. And they don't need to be mechanics.

A learner driver succeeds when a good instructor teaches them step by step. They build the foundations of vehicle control. Then they learn how to drive safe on the road. Finally, driving becomes natural.

It's the same with this course. I'm your expert instructor and I'll take you from the basics to VBA expertise. Here's the plan.

Your Course Roadmap

Level 1: Automation Ignition

In Level 1, Automation Ignition, we hop in and start with the basics. No fancy jargon, just simple steps to get you rolling.

You'll learn to record macros, and unlock the power of the VBA Editor. Easy!

Then I'll teach you the Excel Object Model. You'll start to think like Neo from the Matrix. And feel the power of VBA in your hands.

Before you know it, you're making Excel do basic work, while you grab a coffee.

Level 2: Cruise Control

Now, think of rush hour—cars everywhere! In Part 2, Cruise Control, you'll learn how to handle the busy streets.

No worries, I've got the map. We'll go through shortcuts and smart ways to make Excel do things quicker. Like user interaction. And working with decision structures and loops.

You'll be zipping through tasks, feeling like a pro. No need for a coding license. You'll learn as you go, and I'll be there all the way.

You'll be writing VBA without the need to look up code. All by yourself!

Level 3: Pole Position

Ready to race? In Part 3, Pole Position, you'll jump into the fast lane. This is where you really get to show off.

We’ll take what you've learned and turbocharge it. Learn the convenience of named ranges, the usefulness of tables, and the power of arrays.

You'll be automating Excel like a dream. Make reports fly out, sort data with a snap of your fingers, and even teach Excel new tricks.

And you'll do all this without breaking a sweat.

Level 1

Automation Ignition:

VBA Essentials

Start Your Engines by Learning Excel VBA Fundamentals

Begin your journey to Excel mastery with "Automation Ignition," the first leg of our VBA course series. Here, you'll rev up your skills from the get-go, learning to automate routine tasks with the ease of a seasoned pro. Turn the key to unlock the full potential of Excel Macros and set the stage for a transformative way to handle your work.

Module 1: Course Welcome

  • Get fully introduced to the course and instructor
  • Power up your learning with the right habits
  • Check out all the course bonuses

Module 2: Macros and VBA

  • Learn how to use the macro recorder to your advantage to save time when learning VBA
  • Engage in project work with formula auditing, workbook navigation, and the Personal Macro workbook

Module 3: Excel VBA Editor

  • Watch me unlock the power of the Excel VBA Editor
  • Become proficient with using the VBA Editor to write and edit code effectively

Module 4: Excel Object Model

  • Gain a real understanding of the Excel Object Model allowing you to create and modify Excel VBA code with ease
  • Work on projects to familiarize yourself with Excel Object References and the Object Browser

Level 2

Cruise Control:

VBA Tactics

Elevate Your Excel VBA Skills

Shift into higher gear with "Cruise Control," where tactical VBA skills are at your fingertips. You'll navigate through more complex coding challenges with precision, learning to streamline processes and data analysis. It's about mastering control, ensuring your VBA journey is as smooth and efficient as a well-tuned vehicle on the open road.

Module 5: Controlling Program Flow

  • Your masterclass in the fundamentals of programming
  • Learn to work with constants and variables
  • Understand the significance of variable scope
  • Master VBA coding concepts to create decision structures
  • Create different types of VBA loops to repeat actions

Module 6: Workbooks, Worksheets, Ranges

  • Learn how to manage workbooks and extract information
  • Explore the advantages of code names
  • Manage worksheets by renaming, moving, copying, hiding and protecting them
  • Focus on copying, pasting, and formatting ranges
  • Learn about cell comments and paste special
  • Cover advanced techniques for resizing, inserting, deleting, hiding and un-hiding ranges

Module 7: User Interaction

  • Delve into the world of interactive Excel applications
  • Learn Input boxes, Message boxes, Alerts
  • Master User Forms to build a wide range of user experiences with Error Handling
  • Step through a fully completed project to make an animated progress bar using User Forms and VBA

Level 3

Pole Position:

VBA Performance

Accelerate to VBA Mastery

Reach top speed with "Pole Position," the pinnacle of our VBA course that's designed to thrust your skills into the fast lane. Here, performance isn't just about speed; it's about crafting sleek, powerful VBA applications that perform at peak levels. As you cross the finish line, you'll not just be proficient; you'll be a VBA champion, ready to tackle any Excel challenge with confidence and skill.

Module 8: Named Ranges

  • Learn how using Named Ranges properly leads to more efficient and readable VBA code
  • How to add, resize, use, loop through, and delete named ranges with VBA to help with managing and manipulating data efficiently in Excel

Module 9: Awesome Excel Tables

  • Explore Excel tables and their advantages over ranges
  • Use Tables for data entry, data analysis, formula auditing
  • Sort, filter, and perform row calculations
  • Use VBA to modify tables to manage your data

Module 10: Advanced VBA Development

  • Understand the power of arrays for large datasets
  • Use static and dynamic arrays for custom data handling
  • Complete a project to build a fully working Student Grading spreadsheet that uses Level 3 concepts
  • Full breakdown of the Student Grading spreadsheet to explain and visualize the VBA code
  • Plus... Learn the powerful PCTA program development cycle for creating robust and effective VBA solutions

And here's what my satisfied students say...

Each testimonial below highlights specific skills and achievements my students have gained. From mastering how to write VBA code to automating time-consuming tasks, see how the course has made a real difference in their lives and careers.

Here's Your Learning Journey

Unlock the power of Excel VBA and revolutionize your workflow with my training program

"Excel Macros and VBA School" has already helped hundreds of professionals like you transform their Excel skills and supercharge their productivity.

And now, it's your turn.

With the skills you'll learn in this course, you'll be able to automate repetitive tasks and save hours of time each week.

What do you get in the course?

  • Over 10 hours of effective online video lessons to teach you the critical skills you need to master Excel Macros and VBA
  • In-depth coverage of the Excel Object Model beyond what other courses teach, so you can properly control and automate Excel without resorting to guesswork and speed up your development
  • Dozens of code samples and utility macros that you can use immediately in your own files to accelerate tasks to do with Excel workbooks and worksheets, giving you the confidence to build your own mini-utilities
  • Demonstrations of how to use named ranges, tables, control structures, arrays, and user forms to add Excel superpowers to your VBA code so you can create versatile programs like a pro
  • Hands-on exercises and real-world examples to help you apply your newfound skills and see immediate results, so you get the satisfaction of knowing you're making real progress
  • The "secret" four-step framework you'll use to develop your own custom applications in Excel using the power of VBA

You know how important it is to have strong analytical skills and the ability to extract insights from data. But in today's fast-paced business world, it's not enough just to be proficient in Excel.

To truly stand out in your career and engage your creativity, you need to have advanced knowledge of VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) - the programming language that allows you to automate Excel tasks and create custom solutions.

That's where "Launch Excel Macros & VBA School" training comes in. Using my real-world experience of Excel VBA I will guide you through the process of learning how to automate Excel.

I start with the basics and work up to more advanced concepts as the course progresses. You'll use Excel VBA like an expert.

After Taking This Course You'll Be Able To...

  • Demystify the complex structure that is the Excel Object Model so you can grasp how it fits together and explore its depths like a true Jedi... with this deeper understanding, you will be creating VBA programs that are a force for good that will bring balance to your Excel workflow...
  • Delve into the fundamental building blocks of VBA including variables, loops, and control structures... this knowledge will empower you to blast past the simple macros created by the Macro Recorder and create powerful programs that will elevate your productivity to new heights and become a VBA pro...
  • Step-by-step walk-throughs of how to build your own mini utility macros to automate repetitive tasks with workbooks, worksheets, and ranges so you can save time, improve accuracy, and increase productivity by automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks...
  • Customize the Excel VBA code editor to give you more control, including how to use the Immediate Window and debugging tools such as breakpoints and stepping through code so you can debug and troubleshoot your code like a boss, making it more efficient, reliable, and maintainable...
  • Build the critical habits you need so you can reduce programming headaches and have more fun when automating your workflow, including how you can use the macro recorder to your advantage instead of always trying to write VBA code from scratch...
  • Take control of user-forms for seamless data entry, user input, and report generation so you can create interactive programs with custom dialog boxes that are powerful and user-friendly, just like a VBA Jedi master...
  • The eye-catching way to revolutionize how you monitor the progress of your programs using real-time updates with a styled progress bar. I show you in detail how to design and code your own progress bar so you can make your Excel automation more intuitive and engaging...
  • Streamline your code with the powerful Excel feature of Named Ranges so you can easily reference cells and ranges in your VBA code, making it more readable and maintainable, reducing the chance of errors, and allowing for more efficient updates and modifications to your macros and scripts...
  • Dive into the anatomy of Excel Tables so you can sort and filter data more quickly than with ordinary cell ranges and create more dynamic and interactive reports, automate data management tasks, and improve the overall performance and scalability of your Excel VBA projects...
  • Use VBA Arrays like super-powered variables that vastly increase your code speed. We'll cover the basics of using Arrays and see how they can be used in conjunction with Named Ranges and Excel Tables through a sample workbook...
  • Transform yourself into a VBA Jedi master with my exclusive Four-Step framework for writing Macros. You'll learn how to design, test, and deploy your own custom Excel applications with confidence, and be able to automate your workflow like never before. This approach is specifically designed to make the process of creating custom VBA solutions simple, efficient, and effective...
  • Plus exclusive BONUS material: Unlock the full potential of your learning journey with tips and tricks on how to make the most of this course (and any other course you take) from a Cambridge University graduate. You'll learn important skills to speed up the learning process, improve retention, and gain a lifetime advantage in your learning efforts!

What's more is that when you have mastered Excel VBA it's much easier to write automation scripts for Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Access. The programming language (VBA) is the same and the concepts are very similar.

But don't wait too long to make your decision.

Launch Excel Macros & VBA School normally sells for $497 but because this is a special partner deal you get the whole package, including bonuses for only $197.

But enrollments at this price will close soon, so act now.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to invest in your professional development and join the ranks of successful Excel VBA users.

This is beginning to change my career trajectory

Dear Victor,

This course is beginning to change my career trajectory.

You see in our country, it is not easy to have access to such quality knowledge easily and even if you could in a university, it would be so highly priced that eventually you couldn't afford it.

You can't imagine, half way the course but I can still remember the introductory video. I'm no longer just reading but I'm enjoying the course, it is so well explained.

It is my pleasure to give you this feedback. Thank you soo much.

I may not be like Neo of The Matrix as yet but slowly I feel the momentum building, I tell you. I'm now a smiling Matt who now believes it's possible to do some VBA.

This was a very wise investment.

Thank you once again.

Kenneth Nsubuga

Happy VBA School Student

It's As Simple As 1, 2, 3

Step 1

Enroll in the Course

Step 2

Follow My Lessons And Project Work

Step 3

Become an Excel VBA Jedi Master

Hear from Microsoft Excel MVP Dave Bruns

I've known Victor for over 10 years. His Excel VBA course is the real deal for diving into the world of Excel automation with VBA. With over 10 hours of video, it packs a ton of VBA know-how in a format that's fun and useful.

Victor's calm and clear speaking style and thorough explanations enhance the learning experience, making complex VBA concepts easy to grasp.

He's made learning not just friendly for students but also worthwhile in terms of getting practical results.

Plus, I've seen Victor work hard to help his students succeed. His course is more than just a gateway to Excel VBA automation - it's a positive experience that gives students the confidence to master new skills.

I've known Victor for over 10 years. His Excel VBA course is the real deal for diving into the world of Excel automation with VBA. With over 10 hours of video, it packs a ton of VBA know-how in a format that's fun and useful.

Victor's calm and clear speaking style and thorough explanations enhance the learning experience, making complex VBA concepts easy to grasp.

He's made learning not just friendly for students but also worthwhile in terms of getting practical results.

Plus, I've seen Victor work hard to help his students succeed. His course is more than just a gateway to Excel VBA automation - it's a positive experience that gives students the confidence to master new skills.

Dave Bruns

Founder of

(1 milllion monthly visitors)

You'll Also Get These Bonuses !

Are you ready to take your Excel skills to the next level? When you buy my course today, you get four bonuses worth $570. They will take your skills to a new level.

BONUS #1: "VBA Code Vault"

($150 Value)

Next is the "VBA Code Vault" bonus.

This bonus package includes a collection of the top 40 Excel VBA code snippets that you can copy and paste directly into your own programs.

With a $150 value, this bonus alone will save you hours of time and effort as you work with workbooks, worksheets, formulas, and data.

  • How to perform useful tasks such as sorting worksheets alphabetically, protecting and unprotecting all sheets at once, and syncing the current worksheet view settings across every worksheet so you can get every sheet to the same zoom level and set the active cell to A1 (or whatever you want it to be)
  • How to navigate rows and columns so you can find the first blank cells, move to the edge of the current region, and find the last cells with data, giving your programs the ability to adapt to the data you're given whether it's 12 or 15000 rows long
  • How to speed up your VBA procedures using a few lines of code that you can add to any program so that you can cut down the waiting time for VBA to finish its thing - this can literally cut your run time from hours to minutes in some cases!
  • And much more! Including editing ranges, hiding macros, and saving backup files

BONUS #2: "VBA Dev Cheat Sheet"

($75 Value)

Now, for the "VBA Developer's Cheat Sheet" bonus.

This bonus will give you a robust system to manage the development process, making it easier for you to code and debug your VBA programs.

With a $75 value, you'll have a valuable resource that will help you develop your VBA programs more efficiently.

  • The Four Must-Have Steps that you need to perform if you want VBA programs that work and are robust. Many beginners just wing it and cobble together code that seems to do the job, but find out later that it's broken or just plain hard to change. With my four-stage cycle you'll write code that performs well and is easy to maintain, saving you endless headaches.
  • Practical developer tips that you can incorporate into your coding practice so that you can become an awesome VBA coder in no time.
  • Don't make rookie mistakes such as forgetting to comment your code, or using the macro recorder the wrong way.
  • Adopt counter-intuitive habits like trying to break your code, and writing your code in small chunks that you can put together like lego.
  • You get all this explained in the course materials, and you also get it on a handy single page for quick reference.

BONUS #3: "Peak Learning Ebook"

($45 Value)

The fifth bonus "Maximize Your Learning Potential" ebook is a comprehensive guide on how to learn effectively, so you can get the most out of this course and future courses you take.

Based on world-leading research, the content of this ebook is worth $45 and will help you absorb the course material faster and retain it for the long term.

  • What neurobiology tells us is the most effective way to learn, including why sleep is so powerful for processing new information
  • The single most important way to reinforce your learning (and it's NOT taking notes)... if you aren't doing this then you are likely learning at only 20% of your long-term capacity
  • What physical movement teacher Ido Portal, who once trained former UFC champ Conor McGregor, can teach us about the three zones of learning that you need to balance so you use mistakes to accelerate your learning
  • The thing that happens when you go for a walk or shower that helps your brain connect the dots, and why you need to make a habit of alternating between two different modes of thinking
  • Why we need to watch out for the illusion of competence and enter a beginner's mind when we get hands-on with a new practical skill

BONUS #4: "VBA Support System"

($300 Value)

Finally, the "VBA Support System" bonus offers you 3 months of email support from me, your instructor, so you have a unique safety net along your path to VBA mastery.

With a $300 value, this bonus gives you access to my expertise and allows you to get the answers you need to succeed.

  • Send me a private email and I'll happily answer your questions and help you out of any sticky situations when it comes to learning what's in the course.
  • Get weekly emails from me to prompt you to take action on the next module, these prompts are not just reminders, they’re opportunities for you to seek clarity on that week's lesson or VBA code.
  • Each online lesson page has space for Q&A in the comments section, where you can engage not just with me, but also with fellow students. It's a community space for shared learning and support.
  • Let me help you learn Excel VBA quickly and you'll soon be the boss of Excel! Ask your questions, and I’ll be there to provide expert answers, helping you evolve from learner to Excel VBA expert swiftly and confidently.

Here's everything you get when you join Excel Macros & VBA School today for only $197

  • Lifetime access 10-module course: Dive deep into the world of Excel Macros & VBA with our extensive 10-module course with more than 10 hours of high-quality video instruction. Designed to teach you Excel VBA from the group u, this course is your gateway to becoming an Excel wizard = $497 value

  • Excel VBA Code Vault: The top 40 code snippets hand-picked for your use so you can save hours of searching by simply copying and pasting into your own programs = $150 value
  • VBA Program Development Cheat Sheet: A robust system to help you manage your development process so you can create code that's effective and easy to maintain = $75 value
  • Speed Learning E-book: Accelerate your learning curve with tips and techniques based on world-leading research on how the human brain learns most effectively = $45 value
  • Three Months Email Support: Contact me personally for help with the lesson content so you can quickly get the answers you need to succeed = $300 value

Total = $1,067 Value

Launch Excel Macros & VBA School normally sells for $497 but because this is a partner deal you get the whole package for only $197.

Enrollments at this price close soon. So act now!

I can't wait for my 40 minute session


I am thrilled with learning VBA skills and your multi-prong approach (video-quiz-hands on work) is just what I need. I can’t wait for my 40 minute session tomorrow morning.



Mackey Davis

Happy VBA School Student

Who Is This Course For?

This course works for people in three groups.

  • Brand New to VBA: You are a total beginner. I'll help you to start small and get quick wins. You will benefit most by working through the whole course. Start with "Section 1: Ignition Automation."
  • Already tried VBA: You have tried using VBA before. Perhaps copying code you found online or in books. But you lack real knowledge of how to use VBA in Excel. Best for you to skim through "Section 1: Ignition Automation". Then work on "Section 2: Cruise Control" and "Section 3: Pole Position".
  • VBA Refresher: You have previously used VBA, and done it well. But that was then. And this is now. You need a refresher of the big concepts. And you want to pick up new tricks. You can cherry pick your way through the course. You'll learn new tools and methods. And soon be back on track.

I have already found new gems

I am actually quite experienced with macros but am going through the course step by step anyway. And I have already found new little gems of information! So thank you.

Danielle Waller

Experienced with Macros

The first VBA course that does not make me feel like an idiot

Dear Victor,

Up to now I can say: Thank you for the first VBA course that does not make me feel like a complete idiot, either because the teachers rushes through the stuff in light speed like talking to pros or he is brilliant in VBA, but sadly a confused and not talented teacher...

You instead have the know-how, a good concept, you talk clearly and the stuff comes in perfectly sized bites - well done! From my former experiences I was only little encouraged when I subscribed, but now I am looking forward to coding VBA one fine day. Thx again!


Carolin Reimann

Happy VBA School Student

Hear from Microsoft Excel MVP Chris Newman

I'm an Excel Developer and Finance professional. Many people have relied on my Excel VBA tutorials for years. I personally went through Victor's VBA course to make sure it is something I can recommend.

Victor has put together quite an ensemble of modules. They provide a great foundation to anyone who wants to learn VBA. And you don't need to have a coding background to benefit.

The course includes professional and concise video lessons. It also has practice projects that allow students to test what they've just learned. Using real-world situations.

There is so much you can learn about VBA. And Victor has done a tremendous job to focus his course. He covers the topics that are essential for coding macros on your own.

I haven't met a single person in the corporate world who knew VBA and wasn’t a prized possession in their organization. This skillset is something that will change your career trajectory. And ensure you stand above your peers as an essential talent.

I'm an Excel Developer and Finance professional. Many people have relied on my Excel VBA tutorials for years. I personally went through Victor's VBA course to make sure it is something I can recommend.

Victor has put together quite an ensemble of modules. They provide a great foundation to anyone who wants to learn VBA. And you don't need to have a coding background to benefit.

The course includes professional and concise video lessons. It also has practice projects that allow students to test what they've just learned. Using real-world situations.

There is so much you can learn about VBA. And Victor has done a tremendous job to focus his course. He covers the topics that are essential for coding macros on your own.

I haven't met a single person in the corporate world who knew VBA and wasn’t a prized possession in their organization. This skillset is something that will change your career trajectory. And ensure you stand above your peers as an essential talent.

Chris Newman

Founder of

Excel Developer & Director of Finance

Frequently Asked Questions

1. When does the course start and finish?

You can start the course any day you choose. At any time you choose. Excel Macros and VBA School is a completely self-paced online course.

There's no need to wait for a cohort to start. And you don't need to wait a week before a new module gets unlocked.

You can learn in the morning, on lunch breaks or at night. Whatever works best for you.

And there's no end date, so take as much time as you need. It's set up to fit your schedule, not the other way round.

2. How long do I have access to the course?

After you sign up, the course is yours forever. It's like buying an app that doesn't expire. You can use it any time.

If you get busy, the course will still be there when you're ready.

You can go back and review lessons if you need a refresher. Next week, next month or even next year.

As long as you have an internet connection, you can access the course 24/7. Across any and all devices you own.

Plus you get all future course content updates. For free!

3. Can I download the course?

You can stream the course videos anytime you're online. To watch the videos when you're not online, we have a special option.

The Download Pack let's you download all the videos to watch whenever you like. It has all the Excel workbooks we show in the videos.

And it comes with an exclusive 100-page PDF. This has summaries of all the lessons in every module. You can use this to search for specific topics. And to review lessons you've taken.

With the Download Pack you can keep learning even when you're away from the internet. Like on a plane or a place with spotty Wi-Fi.

To get the Download Pack, select it on the order form. You can also buy it after you enroll.

4. What if I am unhappy with the course?

I would never want you to be unhappy! If you enroll on the course and don't like it, contact me within 30 days. I'll give you a full refund.

I want you to feel excited about learning. I'm here to make sure you're satisfied and getting the help you need to learn Excel VBA.

5. What if I have questions about the lessons?

Many online courses leave you on your own. But I won't. I'm here for you!

If something in a lesson isn't clear, just ask me. Below each lesson, you will find a comment section. This is where you can ask a question about the topic.

I'll do my best to answer your question and help you understand. Think of me as your personal guide in learning Excel VBA. I won't let you get stuck.

As a bonus, you will also get 3 months of free email support. So you can ask me questions in private, if you prefer not to post a comment.

6. What are the course requirements?

To make the best of the course, you need to have mid-level Excel skills or higher. If you're a basic Excel user, this course may have things you won't understand.

If you use Excel and know it well, this course is good for you. All you need is a computer with Excel and the time to learn.

And it's fine if you're not a computer wiz. You don't need a background in programming. Just a desire to learn.

7. Which version of Excel do I need?

I recommend Excel on Windows. This includes Excel in Office 365. The course will work with older versions such as Excel 2010.

VBA has been around since 1993. Microsoft continues to support VBA in all Excel updates. The language itself hasn't changed much since 1993. All that's happened is Microsoft has added VBA support for newer features.

8. Do you support Excel for Mac?

If you use Mac Excel, this course is not for you.

I filmed the course using Windows Excel. The interface and shortcuts are sometimes different on a Mac.

Having said that, I have had students who use Mac Excel. So I know it is possible to learn VBA for Mac Excel with this course.

The VBA language itself is the same on both Windows and Mac Excel. And the majority of lessons will work. About 10% of things are different.

You have three options:

1) Run Windows on a virtual machine, such as Parallels desktop. Then run Windows Excel inside the virtual machine. This way you can follow along with my course 100%.

2) Use Mac Excel anyway. Bear in mind that most of the lessons in the course apply justfine. There will be a few differences in the menu layout, options available and shortcut keys. You'll be able to follow along with my course ~90%.

3) Check out Ron the Bruin's site for Mac Excel VBA: He makes great Mac-specific Excel VBA content.

9. Does the course cover web-scraping?

Getting data from the internet is possible with Excel VBA. It's a useful skill that can save you tons of time.

But I don't cover web scraping in this course. I believe there are better tools for this purpose, such as Power Automate.

10. Does the course cover other Office applications?

This course is all about Excel, which is a big part of Office.

Many of the skills you learn will help you in Word, PowerPoint and Outlook. You can automate these using the same VBA language.

And you'll get a cool bonus workbook. This shows you how to connect Excel to PowerPoint. It automates copying Excel charts into PowerPoint decks. You'll be able to use the code in this tool to automate PowerPoint.

11. Is Excel VBA worth learning?

Absolutely! Excel VBA is a powerful tool that can help you do your job faster and better. It's like having a magic wand for your repetitive tasks.

It can take tasks that took hours and turn them into something that takes minutes. This means you can do more in less time and impress your boss and coworkers.

There are other languages you can use to automate Excel. Such as Python and Office scripts. But none of them are as well integrated as VBA. This means VBA allows for more control of Excel and is also the easiest to use.

VBA has been around since 1993. Microsoft continues to support it in all Office updates. It's still the best programming language for automating Office. This includes Excel, Word, Outlook, Access and PowerPoint.

12. How long does it take to learn VBA?

Learning VBA is different for everyone. It depends on how much you practice.

Some students can learn the basics in a few weeks. Others may take a little longer. The key is to practice regularly. And pick automation projects that you like.

There are 10 hours of video in this course. With around 20 hours of hands-on project work. I give you with full code solutions in the course materials.

You'll have access to clear explanations, examples, and exercises. And the opportunity to ask questions and get help from me.

With lifetime access, you don't have to rush. The content will be here waiting for you.

13. What will the course teach me?

My course will teach you how to make Excel do things all by itself. You'll make your computer do the work that used to take you hours, all in just a few clicks.

Make reports without typing everything out. Sort data in less time. Automate tedious tasks. Make programs with a user interface.

You will gain the knowledge and skills to write your own macros. And be able to understand the code that you find online.

14. What do I get after completing the course?

When you finish the course, you'll get a certificate of completion. You can put it on your resume or show your boss. You can even upload it to LinkedIn. Or just add it to your own personal library of learning achievements.

And you'll have the satisfaction of being able to write your own macros. Because you'll have a clear understanding of VBA and how to use it in Excel. I'm excited for all the cool things you'll build with Excel VBA!

15. Does the course cover advanced VBA topics?

Yes, after you learn the basics, I'll teach you some advanced stuff too. This includes using arrays and user forms. And I show you how to write your own solutions.

But there are many advanced topics in Excel VBA. I can't teach you everything in one course.

For example, I don't cover class modules. I don't do charting. I don't show how to control other applications. And I don't teach how to make your own add-ins to share with others.

If you want to learn how to create your own add-ins, I highly recommend Chris Newman's course:

16. When does 3 months of email support start?

You get three whole months of email help, starting from the day you sign up. Just send me an email when you have a question.

You can also start the course at a later date.

Email me after you enrol, and I can arrange to start the email support when you're ready. So you won't miss out on your three months of email support.

17. How do I buy the course for a team?

It's easy!

You can sign up all your team members in one go. I offer special group packages, so everyone can learn together.

This is great for teams because you can all get better at Excel VBA and help each other out.

Email me at and I'll get your team set up.

18. Who can I contact if I have other questions?

You can contact me at

Or use the Contact Form

Try It For 30 Days

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

I'm sure that Launch Excel Macros and VBA School will help you master Excel VBA. It will supercharge your productivity. Many students have told me it's changed their lives.

But what if you don't like it?

To ease your mind, I'm offering a full 30-day money-back guarantee. So you can try the course without worrying.

Give it a whole month. See if it makes your Excel skills better and your work faster.

If you don't think the course helped you, just email me before 30 days is over. I'll give you a full refund. Sound good?

Don't miss this chance to learn Excel VBA. Join Excel Macros and VBA School now, and see how great it is with our 30-day money-back promise.

Full Lifetime Access

Normally $497 USD

Get It For Only $197 USD



Earn A Certificate Of Completion

When you finish the "Excel Macros & VBA School" course, you’ll get a certificate of completion. You can send it to your boss, upload it to LinkedIn, or just add it to your own personal library of learning achievements.

Shareable on...

Rob Wantling

Microsoft Master Instructor

(AstraZeneca UK)

I was very impressed with Victor's work, research, commitment, creativity, and ability…. And it's not often I get to say that! Victor's authoring ‘works’ at so many levels for me.

His Excel training package is well researched, excellently illustrated - clear and concise and, for once, not populated with unnecessary filler!

Victor has researched and gleaned skills from countless resources and combined them all together. There are techniques that I only discovered by accident over ten years of usage, and I discovered new ones!

I was very impressed with Victor's work, research, commitment, creativity, and ability.

His Excel training package is well researched, excellently illustrated!

There are techniques that I only discovered by accident over ten years of usage, and I discovered new ones!

P.S. Don't lose the chance to get this deal

Excel Macros and VBA School is open for just $197. After the deadline, the price goes back up to $497.

Think about this: If you don't join now, what's your life going to be like in one month? In one year? You might still be doing your work the long way. You'll wish you had enrolled so you could do things faster and easier.

Don't wait any longer to get better at Excel VBA.

Sign up for my course now and start doing your work like a pro. You'll be able to do impress your boss with the cool things you learn.

You get $1,067 USD of value for 1/5 the price. You'll get lifetime access to over 10 hours of VBA training. Plus useful bonuses to help you be more productive.

What if you don't like it?

Don't worry, if you don't like the course, I will give you a full refund. Just email me within 30 days of enrolling.

So why not try it? Join now and start making your work easier with what you learn!

See you inside 😄

Total Value: $2,970

Lifetime access to Excel VBA course:

1. Automation Ignition $395 value

2. Cruise Control $495 value

3. Pole Position $595 value

Total Course Value = $1,485

+ Bonus 1. VBA code vault $150

+ Bonus 2. Dev cheat sheet $75

+ Bonus 3. Speed learning ebook $45

+ Bonus 4. Three months email support $300

+ Bonus 5. Slide Sync workbook with VBA $690

+ Bonus 6. One year Power-user license $225

Total Bonus Value = $1,485

P.S. Learn more about the bonuses here.

Total Value: $1,067

Lifetime access to 10 module Excel VBA course:

Component 1. Automation Ignition

Component 2. Cruise Control

Component 3. Pole Position

Total Course Price = $497

→ See the course roadmap here

+ Bonus 1. VBA code vault $150

+ Bonus 2. Dev cheat sheet $75

+ Bonus 3. Speed learning ebook $45

+ Bonus 4. Three months email support $300

Total Bonus Value = $570

P.S. Learn more about the course here

P.P.S. Read student reviews here

Launch Excel | Excel Macros & VBA School